Guess What Day It Is??? It's World Book Day!!!!

Hey Parental Figures! 

On #BookLoversDay I shared a post on grandparent-centered books you can enjoy with your children. Check it out if you missed it. But reading is a family affair! 

Today, on #WorldBookDay, I want to share some of my favorites for you to enjoy. Books across several genres. While I like sharing my recommendations, I love hearing yours more. 

What are some of your favorites? If you’re a fellow writer (especially you, indie authors) please also share faves from your own body of work. 


Psst…come closer and I’ll tell you a secret. *waiting…waiting…* Okay, come on, stop taking so long to get here. Oh, you’re here. Sorry. As I was saying, I’ve got a secret. Here goes – I puffy heart L-O-V-E reading. I mean really ❤it. I have since I was a child.


To know me is to know that I’m a happy introvert who loves to tuck away in a corner and read.


For no reason other than the joy of being a reader, here’s a collection of my favorite reading memes.


And a tiny collection of my favorite books.

***FYI: some of these link to an affiliate page and if you purchase HH gets a small (ridiculously tiny) percentage. And we’re putting that towards the goal of getting Grandpa Comes Home, the first book in the Happy Harper series, out.)***

The MOST important book I will ever read. It goes so far beyond ink on paper (or words on a screen, I read it on my phone). It guides my life.

The book that gave me the courage to admit that I wanted to be a writer.

Ironically, the book that encouraged me to see something special in my dark skin and what I thought of as my plain brown eyes.

The books that shaped my career’s passion to kick open the doors of opportunity and help marginalized faces like mine own the fact that we belong.

I have so many more. They can be seen on my Author and Fan and I Heart Reading Pinterest boards.

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Hopefully one of my books will be added to someone’s favorite list some day.
